
1. Some definitions

   A Microbiota is a community of microorganisms (Bacteria, Archaea, Fungi and other micro-Eukaryota) living on different supports. If this support is an organism (host), the association host-microbiota is called Holobiont. For example, the human holobiont includes the human organism and all of its particular microbiotas (skin, airway, gut...). Concerning the Microbiome, you could find a definition from Ecology - the science that studies the relationships between living things, and between living things and their habitat (do not confuse habitat with the notion of "ecological niche") - and a definition from Genomics (for more details, do not hesitate to contact me).

2. Analyses performed...

   Generally, input data describe the effect of a particular factor (molecule, physico-chemical parameters) on the Composition and/or Functions of a Microbiota (skin, airway, gut, food, WWTP, river's biofilms...). From these raw data, MicrobiomEcology bioinformatics and statistical analyses will give different conclusions/hypotheses. These analyses can concern Holobionts (Host + Microbiota) or can focus on the Microbiota or on the Host only. Furthermore, MicrobiomEcology guarantees to deliver well-founded hypotheses, even in particular domains: Secondary metabolites and associated metabolic pathways, Microfungi, Mycobiomes...


3. ...using skills and knowledge necessary to decrypt a microbial ecosystem

- Statistics (1998-2004, 4 diplomas: 3 disctinctions Bien and 2 times Major of the promotion (2000 and 2004))
- Ecology (1998-2004, 4 diplomas: 3 disctinctions Bien and 2 times Major of the promotion (2000 and 2004))
- Microbiology/Biochemistry (2004-2008, Master in Microbiology-Immunology and PhD in Biochemistry with the distinction Très honorable)
- Bioinformatics (2015, skills certificate)
- Experience in the analysis of various microbiotas and holobionts since 2013: human microbiotas (airway, gut, skin), river's biofilms, mice gut microbiota
- Experience and knowledge in Mycology (microfungi) and Secondary metabolism: study of the mycotoxinogenesis (type B Trichothecenes) in Fusarium graminearum (Barreau et al., 2007), Mycology teaching during 50 hours of practical exercises (Université de Bretagne Occidentale and Université Clermont Auvergne), study of the mycobiota of river's biofilms (article in preparation).

4. Examples of achievements

     4.1 Potential interspecific relationships between bacterial species into airway microbiota (Bernarde et al., 2015)


- Cédric Bernarde, Marlène Kéravec, Jérôme Mounier, Stéphanie Gouriou, Gilles Rault, Claude Férec, Georges Barbier, Geneviève Héry-Arnaud. Impact of the CFTR-potentiator ivacaftor on airway microbiota in cystic fibrosis patients carrying a G551D mutation. 2015. PLoS ONE. 10(4):e0124124

     4.2. Impact of botanical extracts on skin cells (Nizard et al., 2019)

- C. Nizard, O. Jeanneton, S. Aubailly, E. Leblanc, J. Sage, M. Juan, K. Pays, S. Schnebert, C. Bernarde, J. Monneuse, G. Skorski, I. Metton. Proteomic evaluation of four botanical extracts on skin cells. September 18-21, 2019. ESDR annual meeting. France

     4.3. Hypothetical interspecific relationships between microorganisms (bacteria, diatoms, Fungi...) into river's biofilms microbiotas (Bernarde et al., 2020)


- Cédric Bernarde, Anne Goubet, Pierric Jeannin, Paul Cruciani, Jean-Jacques Pernelle. Evolution of the biodiversity and interspecific relationships in river biofilms from a preserved environment or exposed to pharmaceuticals. October 6-9, 2020. EcotoxicoMic 2020 - International conference on microbial ecotoxicology. France

5. Pricing

   The price is very competitive. The quote is adjusted according to the complexity of data.


Dr Cédric Bernarde – Bioanalyst / Researcher in Biology –
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Cédric Bernarde, 2024 - μEy